Top 10 Unusual Jobs

What is your dream job? Most of us would consider a job as a job which doesn't come with a lot of stress, does not need a lot of work, a job where we can have a lot of free time and also comes with a great salary. So today we're gonna have a look at 10 strange jobs in the world which doesn't really require a lot of work but comes with a lot of free time and a good salary.

 So the first one in the list is a Whiskey Taster.
We all are aware of  Jack Daniels, being a group that's recognized world wide obviously doesn't compromise with the quality of their products. So as a part of this they began to hire people to test their new products.  And if you have any plans in applying for such a post you need to meet some  qualifications, fortunately which is not a big deal. You need to have a good sense of smell and taste, and also you should be above the age of 21. But it doesn't end their, it takes around a year for you to complete the selection process and yes their is a tight competition for this post. Okay, now let's assume that you passed all the tests and you are hired as the official Whiskey Tester, so whenever they launch a new product, they give you a sample of it, and you have to review it. That's it. On an average a Whiskey Tester earns around $65,000 per year.

Moving on to the second one on the list, Fake Executive.
 Yes you heard it right, so it's in china, you don't need any special qualifications for this job, all you need is to be fair enough to look like an "executive" and also should speak English. So what are you supposed to do, if you get such a job, if the company has got any important meetings, you need to dress up like an executive for the meeting and accompany the rest of your teammates. Maybe even pose for a photo and they pay you an average of $1000 per WEEK.

The third one on the list is, Island Beach Caretaker.
In 2009 Australian Government came up with this post. So once you are appointed as an island beach caretaker, the Government designates you to any of the islands in Australia. From that movement its your responsibility to take care of the island, you will have to make sure that the island is clean and also you have to make a video, showcasing the island's beauty and share it on social media. So to be eligible for this post you should know how to swim and also this post is open only to couples, Because it's obvious that if you were to spent alone in an island for a long time chances are very high that you might lose your mind. So the pay is pretty good, you get paid on an average of $86,000 per year.

The fourth one in the list is, World Traveler.
This would be great option if you are a travel freak. So this job is offered by an airline in Iceland, named WOW Airlines. So to apply to this job you should be 18 or above, you need to have a Facebook account which all of us have at least most of us then you should know how to make travel blogs. Once you are appointed by the airlines, they will send you to 4 tourist destinations in Iceland and also to Paris, Milan, London , San Francisco. You can stay in any hotel you like, eat whatever you want. All the expenses will be covered by the airline. So what are you supposed to do? At the end of the day you should write a blog and on the hotel you stayed, the food you had and most importantly about the city, the people and their culture. You might also have to make a video blog about your experiences. Another perk is that you could also invite a friend to travel with you. Apart from all your expenses you will be paid around $4000 per month. But this job is not permanent. You will be hired only for 2 months.

Next one on the list is, Chocolate Taster.
This one is similar to the Whiskey Tester, that we mentioned in the beginning, where you need to review the company's new products. So they pay you an average of $55,000 per year. But the disadvantage of this job is that you will have to consume around 30 Kg of chocolate and you may gain around 10 Kg per year.

The sixth one on the list is also similar to the above, Video Game Tester.
We all love to play video games. So if you get appointed as a Game Tester, the game developers will send you a trail version of their game before they release it to the public. You will have to play the game, check for any errors or bugs and send your review to the developers. The annual payout for men is around $45,000 and for women it's $60,000.

Seventh one is Food Photographer.
Most of the restaurants and chefs hire Food Photographers to display their work on social medias in order to increase their business growth. And therefore they are paid like around $10,000 per year.

Moving on to the eight one, Pet Food Taster
As the name says you are supposed to review pet food. Yeah, you have to consume the food and review it. Such pet food testers get paid on an average of $30,000 per month. 

Ninth one is also related to animals, Animal Psychiatrist
 A Pet Psychiatrist is supposed to spend most of their time with animals, study their behavior etc.
An animal psychiatrist is the study, diagnosis and treatment of animals with mental health issues. Usually on an average an animal psychiatrist get paid around $30,000 to $85,000 a year.

The next one is a bit strange. Armpit Sniffer.
Ugh, that cannot be considered as a dream job. Many deodorant companies hire people to this post. Your Job is pretty simple, you just need to review their products. They apply the perfume on a sweaty person and you will have to sniff their armpits, and give a review. So how much do they get paid? On an average they get paid around like $30,000 per year.

So I hope this was helpful to you. And comment down what job would you pick from the above ten.

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